Hello! This is my response to your post, No Red Pill No Blue Pill!
First off, I felt like I could really relate to the message you have given in this post. I have seen many people not have the motivation to learn and that has really been an issue. I liked how you described every little detail and put it in poetic form to make it seem more interesting and to catch the audience's attention. I agree that if students don't make an effort or don't have the motivation to learn, there will be little to no progress. The attitude in the classroom really counts in my eyes. If you really try to make an effort to participate, it shows others that you actually want to learn. I try as much as I can to have a smiling face during class and to always participate whenever chance I get. If you just don't try at all, the teacher will eventually give up trying to teach you. This is really hard for teachers, because they love seeing students strive and succeed in whatever they do. This is what teachers are here for, to give you encouragement and to give you a little push in the right direction. If you don't let the teacher guide you in the right direction, you will be lost for a very long time, until you come to your senses. This is why motivation is so important nowadays.
The message in my opinion was that you should never lose motivation because then no one can help you even if they really wanted to. Motivation is key in a happy, meaningful school life. If you don't have motivation or passion towards something, you will never learn what it has to offer. I believe that everything has a purpose and you need motivation to find that purpose and put it into good use.
There are really big connections to our course because I feel like some people, not just the people in our class, really lack motivation. I always hear them say "I hate school!" and words like that. I have to admit, sometimes, I say those things too but I always find the good in everything and I try to think positively. This post will help us realize that life is too short to waste on not enjoying every second of it. I think a bunch of people will benefit from this post and will also relate to this post. The audience are both students AND teachers. This will help them realize that it's the students who need to fins that motivation and it's the job of the teacher to help them and guide them in the right direction. It's the job of the student to find their interests but to have the teacher show them what each thing has to offer.
I have a different opinion from my classmates. I think the pictures enhance what you are trying to say and it gives the audience a more interesting vibe than opposed to just a regular post. I do agree with them though, to not put to many. Just put a few here and there and not overwhelm your audience.
Thank you !
Hello Sydney!,
I agree with a lot of what you are saying! I have also noticed that lots have kids loose motivation including me. I enjoyed reading your post and it really showed that you understood what was being said. I thought that it was neat how you related the post to yourself and gave examples, it made it easier for people to read your post. I also agree about what you said with the pictures I also think they enhance the writing.
I think you should watch your run on sentences there are a few! The other thing I could say is maybe expand on a few things like maybe how teachers feel when this happens! Other than those few things I really enjoyed reading your response. It was really clear and you had a lot of connections (self to text , text to world etc.). I hope you take some of these in mind while doing your next response!
Thanks, Jessica
Hey Sydney,
One of the huge things I enjoyed about your post was that I could relate to a lot of things you mentioned, for example when you mentioned "If you really try to make an effort to participate, it shows others that you actually want to learn". I can relate to this, as you can tell from a classroom - if you want to learn, you'll be putting your hand up and answering questions while others will sit there not paying attention on their phones.
There were a couple of spots where you had run-on sentences and could have used a semi-colon; but other than that your response was very well done! I was able to relate to a lot of things in your post and found your connections and details to be very clear and easy to understand.
Great job Sydney!
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