Independent school response

Independent Project Response was a wonderful opportunity if you don't really do well in academic courses.
The Independent project was actually a good idea It was different to have to grasp the concept of teenagers controlling there schooling. The school really showcased your talents so you can focus on them and you can do things you enjoy so you want to do them. Each week, they had to present their new project that they had been working on to their classmates and then there classmate would critique each other on their projects. Although there aren't any teachers coaching you through every single thing, but there are teachers to help you when you do need it. I think this would be a cool thing to have at our school but not necessarily for younger grades probably 10-12 because they have an idea of what they want to do when there older. I dont think this would work for younger grades because we dont know what we think we want to be so we wont have a goal and us. I personally would not do the independent project right now because I don't feel like I am mature enough to being on my own all semester. I still feel like I would still need a teacher's guidance to help me through. It would be hard to keep yourself on track and actually do the project. Overall I think it would be really cool to try it out one day! 



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