Hi Ms. Pratas,
Let me start off by saying that your article up there is a fabulous piece of work. Anyhow, my name is Kevin from Ms. Lees Humanities 8 Class and I will be responding to your article "No Red Pill, No Blue Pill"
What grabbed my attention right from the start was the title itself, as I read along further into the article I began to notice what you meant. In learning, there are no shortcuts and success is only achieved with hard work and motivation.
I liked how you focused on a poetic theme at both the beginning and the ending. This was another attention-grabber for me and led me wanting to read further. But what really grabbed my attention the most was the quote about the red and blue pills. You can choose to see an illusion of what you believe, but in the end this will end up hurting you.
I agree with the majority of the content in the article as education is something that is constantly changing. Motivation is definitely one of the key components to learning, for example a smart student with a lack of motivation will not perform as well as an average student who is motivated to learn and move forward. If you aren't determined and motivated to learn, quite simply you won't. Teachers want to help you and watch you succeed, but in the end it is up to you to decide what you do.
The article connected to me in many ways, I always hear students saying that they hate school or those students that NEVER do their homework. These students would be doing much better had they motivated themselves to go further or to do their homework.
The article helped me realize that teachers can only do so much - yes, they will guide you in the right direction but it is up to the students to find their interests and motivate themselves.
Regarding the layout of the article, the infographics and pictures enhanced your article; it helped me visualize some of the things you were talking about.
Overall, this was a great article that I made lots of connections to, as you said "Connections do happen" and furthermore motivated me as I considered if I should bother doing my homework and writing this response tonight.
-Kevin N
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9 years ago