Speech Draft!

                                      Dangers of Fast Food

      Two double cheeseburgers, large fries and a large soft drink. That'll be a clogged artery and high cholesterol. Please pull up to the next window. Fast food. These unhealthy foods have made a permanent position in our lives. They're tasty, easy to access, and inexpensive. Fast food is one of the most common dangerous and unhealthy foods because it contains unhealthy ingredients and causes many health concerns. 

    You are just about to bite into that mouth-watering hamburger. Stop! Do you know what lurks inside of that burger? If you left a hamburger untouched for a couple of years, studies have shown that it will not become mouldy and will stay almost the same! This is because there are tons of preservatives in that burger. The meat is treated with carbon monoxide gas to keep it looking fresh and it comes from cows that have been shot with antibiotics to make it grow faster and bigger. These antibiotics are very harmful to the human body. Also, the cheese in the burger has been processed many times and will not give off any useful nutrients. In a plain hamburger, there are over 50 ingredients!

    If you consume too much fast food, you will have a higher risk of getting different illnesses such as obesity.  Obesity is one of the most common results of eating too much junk food. This usually isn't the consumer's fault. I mean, sure, they should hold back on the daily trips to McDonald's but it's the company that keeps coming out with super sized versions of everything. They will keep advertising and pressuring you to upgrade to the larger sizes. This results in more calories, therefore, more weight gain. We also underestimate the amount of calories in fast food so we tend to eat more because we think it will do no harm. Besides obesity, fast food can will raise your blood pressure, which can cause hypertension, which will lead to heart disease and kidney failure. Even gaining 11-18 pounds doubles your risk of getting type 2 diabetes, a serious blood disorder. 

    You only have one body. Take good care of it. Next time you head out to enjoy a Big Mac, think about how it can affect your body in the long run. 

Here is a video about how hamburgers don't mould in 4 years.


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