This is the learning log for October 24th, 2012 in Humanities!
What we did:
For the majority of the first block, we discussed our learning intentions for our letters to the editor of the 'Morris Ward Minutes' and the citizens of Woodleighville.
Some of our learning intentions included the following:
-Persuasive Writing (opinion based)
-Letter formats
'writing to the author formats'
-Acquire background/general knowledge and info on Woodleighville
Read their Morris Ward blog and related material.
-Making connections between their problems and our experiences in BC, knowledge of current/historical events. To help with context, add pictures, videos and links to articles.
By responding to other Grade 8 writers, we make direct connections to things they have said and provide context about the things they may not understand.
Collaboration Skills
Editing/proofreading using the technology to enhance your writing.
Defining and responding to the problems/issues - globally based.
New Superstore
Riots and their after effects - banning of sporting events, curfews for youth, CCTV cameras.
Recovery from Cyclone Mike - riots, weakened economy
Oral Communication Skills
Give and respond to feedback.
The criteria that we used to evaluate our work was as follows:
Must Haves
-1 idea per paragraph
-Introduce the topic, speaker and issue.
-Formal persuasive tone - have an opinion supported with examples.
-Connect with the residents.
-Video links
-News links
-Alternate Suggestions.
Why we did it:
We reviewed our learning intentions for this assignment to see if we successfully completed the task and to review our work and what we have learned.
In our second block, Ms. Lees reviewed our Genius Hour ideas and approved them if she felt they were ready. For the remainder of the second block, we did further research for our Genius Hour projects.
None assigned :)
If you are struggling to write your letter, start with a template here:
Continue to read the Morris Ward Minutes, further articles have been added!
Don't forget that your HACE assignments are due Wednesday, October 31st!
Did you remember to ...
9 years ago
You forgot about how we worked on our genius hour projects.
Other than that, Good Job!!
I like the encouragement & reminder here. Perhaps extend by filling in the gaps if someone forgets part. Demonstrates team work & collaboration. Eg. What is the purpose of GHour?
I like the links added for ease , but sadly the first one isn't working
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