Yesterday in Humanities class, we looked at a post that was written by Tony Gurr, a teacher in Turkey. The post was about motivation and it has a slight twist to it. Instead of a multi-paragraph composition, Tony actually had thoughtful pictures to replace the many paragraphs that bore everyone. I really loved his blogging style and here are some reasons why:
For some people, they like to read just words, but for me, I like having something different to grab my attention after reading many paragraphs. The main reason that I liked Tony`s post so much was because he used images to catch my attention after reading a few sentences. The pictures will always be related to the paragraphs some way or another so if you understand the picture, you will most likely understand the information, I found that the amount of pictures was perfect because he still did explain them in two or three paragraphs, but nothing too overwhelming.
What really drew me in was that the pictures were not just straight forward and to the point, you actually had to think about what it meant for a few minutes to really understand the meaning of the images. This made me think a lot more and got me using my brain because I really wanted to figure out why he had those images there. For example, he had a picture of a slanted L sign that drivers have when they are learning how to drive. Underneath it, he had "This is a LEARNacy ZONE". A person has to be very creative to come up with these types of pictures that have a meaning to them.
I also really loved how he used quotes from other authors or poets that are pretty well known so can all make a connection to them. Here is an example of one of the quotes he quoted: "
As Tim Harford once remarked, success always starts with failure as individuals learn from their mistakes and are encouraged to creative something new and different.".
Overall, I think Tony Gurr's post on Motivation is an unique post because I have not seen any other blog posts that use images as the main focus. He had some really important and great points on motivation that we should all follow. His blogging style is something I would definetly see other bloggers trying out because it grabs the readers' attention really easily and it also looks visually appealing so more people will come to read what he has to say. I highly recommend you go check his post out because you will truly be amazed!
Here is the link to his post:
Thank you for reading!
- Sydney T.